import math
import numpy as np
def total_horizontal_displacement(alpha0, speeds, widths, boundary_normal_angle):
Given an initial angle alpha0 (measured relative to the boundary normal),
propagate angles through each layer via Snell's Law and compute
the total horizontal displacement from start to finish.
alpha0 : float
Initial angle (radians) in the first layer relative to the boundary normal.
speeds : list of float
speeds[i] = travel speed in layer i
widths : list of float
widths[i] = thickness of layer i in the boundary-normal direction
boundary_normal_angle : float
Angle (radians) of the boundary normal relative to the horizontal (east direction).
For example, if the boundary lines themselves are at 45° to the horizontal,
the boundary normal might also be ±45°, depending on orientation.
The total horizontal (eastward) distance traveled.
If Snell's Law fails (sin(...) out of range), returns a large number.
n = len(speeds) - 1 # Number of boundaries
alpha = [0.0]*(n+1)
alpha[0] = alpha0
# Propagate angles using Snell's Law: v_i * sin(theta_i) = v_(i+1) * sin(theta_(i+1))
for i in range(n):
ratio = (speeds[i] / speeds[i+1]) * math.sin(alpha[i])
if abs(ratio) > 1:
# Invalid angle => no real solution
return 1e9
alpha[i+1] = math.asin(ratio)
# Compute total horizontal displacement
horiz = 0.0
for i in range(n+1):
# Path length in layer i = widths[i] / cos(alpha[i])
# because alpha[i] is the angle to the normal, so the
# "normal" component of the path is widths[i].
seg_length = widths[i] / math.cos(alpha[i])
# The angle of travel relative to the horizontal is
# (boundary_normal_angle + alpha[i]).
seg_angle = boundary_normal_angle + alpha[i]
# Horizontal component
horiz += seg_length * math.cos(seg_angle)
return horiz
def total_time(alpha0, speeds, widths, boundary_normal_angle):
Given the same setup as total_horizontal_displacement, compute
the total travel time if the initial angle is alpha0.
n = len(speeds) - 1
alpha = [0.0]*(n+1)
alpha[0] = alpha0
# Again apply Snell's Law across boundaries
for i in range(n):
ratio = (speeds[i] / speeds[i+1]) * math.sin(alpha[0 + i])
if abs(ratio) > 1:
return 1e9
alpha[i+1] = math.asin(ratio)
# Sum travel times in each layer
total_t = 0.0
for i in range(n+1):
seg_length = widths[i] / math.cos(alpha[i])
total_t += seg_length / speeds[i]
return total_t
def solve_snell_for_100_leagues(speeds, widths, boundary_normal_angle, target=100.0):
Uses a simple binary search on alpha0 to achieve a desired
total horizontal displacement (default 100 leagues).
Returns (alpha0_opt, min_time).
def f(alpha0):
# difference from desired horizontal displacement
return total_horizontal_displacement(alpha0, speeds, widths, boundary_normal_angle) - target
# Search range for alpha0: from 0 to something less than pi/2
# so that cos(alpha0) is positive.
low, high = 0.0, math.radians(80.0) # somewhat arbitrary upper bound
for _ in range(100):
mid = 0.5*(low + high)
val = f(mid)
if val > 0:
# If we overshoot the horizontal distance, reduce angle
high = mid
# If we undershoot, increase angle
low = mid
alpha_opt = 0.5*(low + high)
# Compute the time corresponding to that alpha
t_opt = total_time(alpha_opt, speeds, widths, boundary_normal_angle)
return alpha_opt, t_opt
def main():
# Example speeds in each region:
# - Region 0: normal terrain (10 leagues/day)
# - Regions 1..5: inside the marsh, each with distinct speeds
# - Region 6: normal terrain again (10 leagues/day)
speeds = [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 10]
# Example widths (in leagues) in the boundary-normal direction:
# Suppose each region is 10 leagues thick. Adjust as needed.
widths = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10]
# Suppose the marsh boundaries run at 45° to the horizontal,
# so the boundary normal is also at ±45°. Let's pick +45°:
boundary_normal_angle = math.radians(45.0)
# Solve for the path that yields 100 leagues total horizontal displacement
alpha_solution, time_solution = solve_snell_for_100_leagues(
speeds, widths, boundary_normal_angle, target=100.0
print(f"Optimal initial angle (relative to boundary normal) = {math.degrees(alpha_solution):.3f} degrees")
print(f"Total travel time = {time_solution:.5f} days")
if __name__ == "__main__":