import heapq
def solution(N, K, cost, sell):
# Step 1: Create a list of (cost, sell, profit) tuples
items = [(cost[i], sell[i], sell[i] - cost[i]) for i in range(N)]
# Step 2: Sort items by cost (cheapest first)
# Step 3: Use a max-heap to track the most profitable items we can afford
max_profit = 0
max_heap = [] # Max-heap to store items by highest profit
index = 0
while index < N or max_heap:
# Add all items we can afford to the max-heap
while index < N and items[index][0] <= K:
c, s, p = items[index]
heapq.heappush(max_heap, (-p, c, s)) # Store negative profit for max-heap behavior
index += 1
# If we can't afford any item, break
if not max_heap:
# Pick the most profitable item available
profit, c, s = heapq.heappop(max_heap)
max_profit += -profit # Convert back to positive profit
K += -profit # Update cash after selling
return max_profit